

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

By Michelle Johnson

"Three cheers for the fortunate quick recovery and simultaneous promotion of our Elizabeth Davies to Little's Red Riding Hood, Level Two!"

All around the blushing young woman rang cheers. She tried to cover her embarrassment by sipping at her tea. But the purpose of the celebration could not be a non-participant. Her teacup was taken away as call for a speech filled the room, prompting her to her feet. The claps and cheers quieted when she motioned at them for silence.

"I really don't know what to say. For the longest time, I didn't think I'd ever reach the rank of a level two. I mean, you girls are some of Little's best. How could I possibly match that?"

"Modest!" shouted one young woman.

"It's true! But I guess all that work as a delivery girl proved I was worth it. Now, I'm here. And I can finally get into the Library!"

The reference to the private suite of rooms available only to levels one and two got everyone laughing. This bit of privilege was a minor part of Ellie's promotion, and one that was a long time coming. Various girls of all ranks came to hug her and give personal congratulations. So many, Ellie wondered if she was going to get a chance to sit down and finish her tea. Eventually, the last girl had embraced her and the room settled into the impromptu party mood, relishing the sweets bought and made for the occasion. The woman of honor was ready to settle into quiet conversation when Glory gestured at her to get her attention.

"Why don't you tell us about your penultimate mission? We'd love to hear how you got promoted."

Ellie pressed her lips and stared at her plate. She really didn't want to talk about, but everyone wanted to hear about it. She looked around with an uneasy smile. "Really, there's not much to hear. I mean, the report tells you everything, and it's open for all to review."

"Yes, but we want to hear it from you. C'mon, Ellie. Tell us."

"Th-there's not much to say. It was an important delivery; in a lot of ways no more than the usual three-ticket assignment. Only, Grandmother had been impressed by my record and behavior on past tickets and felt that while the package was pretty much a level two, I could carry it out. I picked it up in Germany, arrived outside of London. Had a run in with a strange man, a dapper thug really. The package was damage, I got injured, fought against my attacker, and took a dunking before delivering it personally to Grandmother and the client. I made more mistakes than I'd like to say."

"You were right," whined Carol in her level four uniform of red vest, cap, and black riding skirt. "The report would've been more interesting."

Everyone laughed, including Ellie. Lizzie sprung up, brown hair bouncing as she held up a magazine. "Thankfully, I've come with more interesting reading. Behold! I have the latest edition of The Scarlet Capes. And it has another thrilling, 'true life' adventure about that golden haired darling of the air, Gloriana Wilkinson."

Ellie hid her smirk behind her cup as Glory shook her head. The Scarlett Capes was a periodical, irregularly published, claiming to provide behind the scenes information about the Riding Hoods and their numerous missions. There were also poems of praise and illustrations for what they called "the crimson-clad angels of the sky." Whereas most people would be honored to be the subject of such adoration, all the girls here found it hilarious and embarrassing due to its dreadful writing, horrible inaccuracies, and outright untruths. The only things it ever got right were the girls' names, and they only seemed to focus on the level twos and ones.

"So what great adventure did you go on and didn't tell us this time?" probed Ellie.

Glory made a face as she made her way to Lizzie, who was trying to answer and keep out of the way at the same time. "A trip to India. There, a prince offered her three palaces of gold and jewels to deliver a precious treasure and to stay to be part of his harem." She dodged around an occupied chair to escape a grab by Glory. "As his head concubine, no less!"

Glory lunged at her and they tumbled to the floor, making the other girls hurry out of the way to avoid getting caught in the playful tussle. It wasn't long before Glory proved victorious and rose with the torn prize. She grimaced once she saw got to the story.

"Not again. You'd think they would have caught on that I look nothing like this. The illustration has me as a Valkyrie with flowing hair and a virginal maiden's pious face." She scratched her head covered in blonde curls so short they gave her an almost boyish look.

"More turning down new admirers, then?" asked Ellie.

"Don't tease. Soon they'll be publishing widely inaccurate stories about you, and you'll get flooded with misguided attention."

Ellie was about to ask if Glory's last mission had anything to do with India when the clock began to chime. Every girl in the room simultaneously pulled out a pocket watch to check the time. It was time to end the party.

"I'm sorry, time's up," apologized Glory. "I've got to run and attend a mechanics session with Mr. Cutter. Would you like to come?"

"No, that's all right. I'll have a session with him and some of the girls in a couple days. Besides, he likes to keep the audience small so everyone can be hands-on. I don't think he'll like it."

Farewells were made as they left as individuals, pairs, and small groups. Ellie left the parlor and headed outside on her own. She was glad for the current reprieve, knowing full well she would be very busy in the next few days once she resumed active duty and began picking up her new level tickets. And there was always classes and training sessions like the mechanics class between jobs, and independent studies. Not for the first time, Ellie mentally snorted at the underlying busyness under the corps' seemingly frequent and placid downtimes.

I'd bet we're even busier than the army, she thought. Only our work isn't always so physical.

Speaking of independent studies, Ellie knew she would have to drop by the Institute's library and peruse its newest periodicals. There were the general news and popular magazines, but it was the scholarly stuff she was interested in, especially anything about new scientific or aetheric discoveries. Who knew if or when information may be related to a package, or, it had been known to happen, a client himself, and would determine success or not. But that could wait an hour. She was too restless at the moment to possibly sit down quietly and make her self read.

No, her aim was a good, brisk walk to the pond on the far region of the park. It did not take her long to cross the campus courtyard and to pass along the main school building to the paths behind. She slowed a little once she passed the park gate, relishing the formal garden and its still blooming flowers. This, too, passed away to open grass and scattered trees. The way to her destination rose and fell gently, with little distractions to be found. She broke into a slight, satisfied smile only when she saw the rise of trees that marked the edge of the park where the pond was.

The bench was warm from the sun as Ellie sat down on it, exhilarated from her walk. It felt good to be walking around freely, and to be outside, not cooped up in the hospital ward or confined to the residential buildings. It had only been three days, acknowledged to be a bit much by all involved, but they were taking precautions. She had been wounded by her fight with Garou and had contact with part of the package. They wanted to be sure nothing unusual would persist. She frowned at the memories, mood ruined.

She did not like being coddled, and she did not like being a burden.

Besides, all I got were bad dreams for a couple nights and faints for a couple days. Both easily fixed and overcome.

As if prompted by the dismissive thoughts, her right arm flared into lines of pain. She gasped at the pain and grabbed her arm. She could feel the scar lines pulse down the length of her arm, from below the shoulder to the back of her hand. It was different from the healing itching from before, but bearable. Maybe it was just a sign of the damage, normal physical damage. She hoped it was.

Gradually, the pain passed away. Ellie learned back with a sigh. Now, she did not feel so energetic. She felt cold in her core despite the sun's warmth, and very tired. Her head fell back to look at clouds passing beyond the edge of the tree branches for a while before letting her eyes close. She felt like her body was falling but her body refused to act on her instinct to right herself. Wind rushed past her ears, whipping hair and cloth as she fell for ages. Part of her panicked at the sensation. The other part, the larger part of her, was utterly calm and accepting of it. It was strange to be falling for so long when she was last on the bench, and she knew it but was not too shaken by it. After some time, she opened her eyes to a clear view of the sky and the clouds passing above and around her descending body. It seemed natural to be up here, much more natural than any time in her loud and shaky air vehicle. At home.

Alerted by a feeling, Ellie's eyes rolled to the side a little. She could see high above a flock of birds flying. She counted seven and knew they were special. Somehow, she just knew. And she also knew great sorrow for them, especially one that fell behind to fly with a newcomer.

Her eyes opened to sky and branches. She jerked to awareness at the realization she'd fallen asleep. She rose to her feet and stretched out the knots with a groan. Well, at least she was feeling better. A glance at her pocket watch told her she had not slept too long, which was a relief.

It was the movement that caught her attention. A large swan paddled along the pond's edge, angling its head to get a better look at her. It was so rare for her to see swans, Ellie couldn't help smiling at the sight.

"My, aren't you a handsome thing. Must be passing through. Sorry, I didn't think of bringing any bread or I'd give you some."

The cloth collar resting at the base of the neck made her cock her head in puzzlement. The blue belt of fabric held a large medallion. "Or maybe you don't need it. Looks like you're well taken care of.

"Well, enjoy your paddle around the pond. Some of us have things to get back to."

With a wave, Ellie left the pond and began walking back to the main building. It was strange to run into a swan, and a pet swan at that. Stranger too, she thought before pushing it aside, was how she had dreamed of swans just before.


"By the way, did you hear about the visitor today?"

All eyes around the table focused on Meg. Most heads, including Ellie, shook no while a couple muttered some knowledge about whatever the level three had to talk about. One person did ask what she was talking about. Beaming with pleasure, Meg continued. "It turns out we've got an important visitor to the grounds today."

"We get a lot of visitors. Important how?"

This was news, and everyone set down their food to murmur about it. True, nobles came from time to time to look at prospective employees from both the school and the corps, but not royalty.

"Who exactly?" asked another girl.

"That's just it. I wasn't able to find out. They're keeping the details hush hush. I do know it's some European lady and her entourage. A very scandalous lady."

"Scandalous in what way?"

"The details are sketchy, but they say she was accused of a crime and had a falling out with her husband. Whatever it was, it got cleared up and she left him!"

That set off a twitter of conversation around the table, discussing any number of reasons for the separation. Ellie opted to sip her tea and not take part. It was just like Meg to get all the sordid details but not the important ones like names and where she was from. From what she caught over the noise of the table and the cafeteria was a lot of "they saids," including hints of wealth and eccentricity. Wasn't it always the case? Still, it did explain the collared swan she had seen. Most definitely a pet.

A tap on her shoulder brought a lull to the table. Ellie turned to find one of the Riding Hood staff waiting at her shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt at dinner, but Grandmother is having a meeting and wants you to attend."

This was a surprise. Immediately, Ellie wondered why she was needed. "I'm needed now?"

The aide nodded. "Right away. I'm sure the others are there and waiting. It was a while ago."

Ellie winced inwardly. Not only was she needed but she was apparently keeping them waiting. She cast an apologetic look around at her colleagues before leaving the table. There was some light out, even though the sun had already set. She could easily see her way along the walkways between the main dormitory and the Riding Hood building. Her pace turned into a brisk walk as she made her way through the halls and up the stairs to Mrs. Pierce's office. She paused at the door to calm down and catch her breath, cursing at how she had only her vest and badges and not the full uniform. There was little she could do about it now. Better to get it over with.

Faces turned to look at her as she entered the office. She tried not to show her discomfort in front of the handful of seated people. The distance to the sitting area was unbearably wide, but she made it without incident. She curtsied to Mrs. Pierce and to the two guests without really making eye contact.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was at‚"I came as soon as I got the summons." No need to spill the useless details.

"That's all right, dear," replied Grandmother Pierce. "Gloriana and Elizabeth just arrived as well. Have a seat and we'll get started."

Ellie gratefully took a seat next to Glory and was even more relieved to see the other woman wore a walking dress. Whatever the importance of the meeting, formalities were not a priority or concern.

"Now that we are all here," began Grandmother, "I'll begin with the introductions. I'd like to introduce the young ladies who'll be working for you. On your left is Elizabeth Cox, level two; Gloriana Wilkinson, our top level one; and Elizabeth Davies, recently promoted level two. Ladies, may I introduce our clients and your superiors, Princess Odette Lohengrin and her brother Prince Conn. They have agreed to a long-term assignment with us, and you'll be working closely with them."

Ellie inclined with the others and the Lohengrins politely returned with the appropriate nods. These were the source of the rumors going around the cafeteria. The siblings were both very handsome, garbed in garments of rich materials. While she tried to be discreet, Ellie did pick up two striking details. The first was obvious; both had striking white hair. The second took a moment to catch because they were kept lost in the details of their clothes. They had prosthetics, mechanical additions or replacements to their bodies, and of fine quality. The prince's was a well-made right hand, and wasn't too much of a surprise. She could not, however, figure out what the princess had because it was partially hidden by her body and the cloak that fell over it. Maybe she was as eccentric as the rumors suggested; there was no discernible purpose for it.

"As we had discussed," continued Mrs. Pierce, bringing attention back to her, "Ms. Wilkinson will be your primary agent, and will be handling the bulk of the duties. Ms. Cox will assist with research duties and any exchanges or deliveries, as well as act as support for Ms. Wilkinson or yourselves as needed. For now, Ms. Davies will handle deliveries solely, due to her recent appointment, which includes some training in new areas and adjustment to her duties. But I can assure you, she will transition quickly and will share duties with Ms. Cox. I'm sure you both have questions."

The three young women exchanged looks. Ellie, for one, was overwhelmed and had no idea where to begin. Thankfully, Glory took the lead and spoke first.

"Knowing this is a long-term assignment, I know we will receive our information with the assignment ticket. But what can you tell us about what we will be doing?"

Prince Conn turned to his sister and she answered the unspoken question with a permissive nod. He stood with a smile before answering. "My sister is unable to talk, so I will talk for us both. My sister and I have a . . . an affliction, one imposed on us when we and my brothers were very young. My sister was able to discover a cure for our affliction, and to relieve my brothers of it. Unfortunately, there were complications at the time and the process was incomplete. It's left my sister mute and I . . . incomplete."

His hands flexed, highlighting the mechanical one. So this ailment was the cause of their cybernetics. This mission, Ellie supposed, was most likely to find something to address this. Glory was also on this path of thought. "I take it you're looking for a means to finish what your sister attempted. Why not try the same cure again?"

That elicited a chuckle. "Trust me, we thought about it, but no. That particular path is closed to us. That is the nature of the cure."

Ellie did not like the way he said that, the tone implying more than mere words. Lizzie leaned forward and hissed out the connection: "Aetherics."

The prince nodded. "So, you can see there is a lot of potential ground to cover to find alternatives. We have been searching on our own, but there are so many known leads, let alone unknown ones, and we're only two people. And there are few people we feel we can trust to be confidential. So we have turned to the Red Riding Hoods."

"You will learn more when you get your tickets," added Grandmother Pierce. "Just know this will largely be information retrieval and you'll be looking into various leads. Ms. Wilkinson, it's been a while since your last extended mission of this nature, but I'm sure you'll bet back into the saddle quickly. Mses. Cox and Davies, this will be new to you, but I know from talking with the faculty and my own observations that you will also be well suited for it."

Ellie ventured to speak, "I'm to take it that there will be frequent communication between the couriers in the field and our clients, correct?"

"It's expected," answered Prince Conn.

"It's unusual to have so many agents on one mission. Would it be permissible to communicate between ourselves, as well?" The Lohengrin siblings looked at each other and at Mrs. Pierce. Ellie pushed on. "It would keep us from needlessly re-treading the same ground and to keep up-to-date on news more easily. And security is not a real concern, no more than the messages between ourselves and you."

She watched them thinking it over. It was Grandmother who answered. "I see no problem with it, and it may expedite their mission."

The siblings nodded their approval, to Ellie's relief. She was worried she had been too bold. Now, the three of them had the added support of each other.

The wall clock began to chime the hour. "It looks like it is getting late. I'm sure my girls need to be getting along." Ellie resisted the urge to make a face at the sudden juvenile treatment. Lizzie didn't bother to hide it. Everyone knew this was just Grandmother's way. "I believe there is some time to discuss things a little more casually before our guests have to go."

Everyone except the princess rose to his and her feet. While Glory and Lizzie gathered with the prince to talk, Ellie hung back, unsure if she wanted to take part. She was the junior member of the group, and largely a delivery girl. It wasn't her place. She looked up from her twiddling fingers to look at the princess, still seated and perusing some papers. The young woman seemed uncomfortable. With a mental push, Ellie strode over and curtsied.

"Your highness. I understand it must be difficult and this is a trying time. Right now, I'm not the help Gloriana and Elizabeth are, but I swear I will perform my duties to the best of my ability and beyond that if I can. If there is a cure, we'll find it."

Ellie's declaration brought a smile to Princess Odette's lips, and the princess took Ellie's hand in gratitude. The courier's hand jerked away before she was even aware of the sharp pain and chill. She hissed and shook it out, surprised more than anything else. The princess's own surprised expression shook her even more. Did the princess feel that too or was she taken aback by the action? Had Ellie somehow offended her?

"I'm sorry," she said with a forced laugh. "I was injured recently and I guess I'm still tender. I'll . . . I'll go see what your brother is talking about with the others." She scurried away from Odette's studying gaze, wishing this meeting was over with, or she could disappear. The conversation she came to had clearly left business and was now on to pleasure, judging by the laughter.

"I look forward to working with you, Ms. Glory," laughed the prince. "I've read the stories about you, and if they're half true, I should expect quite the results."

Glory took the praise with a brilliant smile. She was in her element, as was Lizzie, who was practically blushing under the young man's gaze.

He was quick to add, "And I look forward to working with you both as well. Now, how do I know which one I'm talking about? Same name and all."

"Oh, it won't be a problem at all," chimed Lizzie. "I'm Cox, and she's Davies. There's four of us Elizabeths, so we quickly came up with a system."

"And if I don't want to be formal?"

That sent Lizzie into a titter and made Ellie openly roll her eyes. "You may call me Lizzie."

There was silence for a second before Ellie realized they were expecting her to answer. "Just Elizabeth, your majesty. I don't really go by a nickname," she lied. This was getting too uncomfortable for her. She wasn't sure if this was the usual protocol for extended client-courier behavior, but this was being too forward. And he was the client. Fraternizing with the employer was one thing she knew was disapproved of, especially on the job. But they weren't on the job yet, so maybe this was all right. It was very confusing and she did not like it.

Mrs. Pierce must have also noticed there was a bit too much flirting, on the girls' end at least, for she stepped in between the girls and the prince like a seasoned chaperone. "I think we've had enough talk for tonight. Their highnesses have a long ride back to their lodgings. You are dismissed."

All three straightened at the martial inflection. After polite farewells and curtsies, they were herded out like children and the door closed behind them. The three waited until they were at the landing before breaking into a frenzied discussion.

"Oh my goodness!" gushed Lizzie. "Can you believe this? We're working for royalty!"

Glory added, "This is amazing. I could count on my hand the amount of times the royal family has called on our services, let alone foreign royalty. Not officially. And to call on three couriers; that's never happened!"

"I know!" whispered Ellie. "Who knows what we're getting in to. But it, it sounds fantastic."

Lizzie nudged her in the side. "So what do you think?"

"Me? I don't know. It looks like we're on a wild goose chase, for who knows how long and into who knows what. And I can't believe I'm working on this with you. I just got promoted, I don't know what I can give."

"Oh, don't be like that," cooed Lizzie, wrapping her arm over the dark girl's shoulders. "You have good ideas and you're good at what you do. But that," punctuated by a hip bump, "is not what I meant."

That elicited some chuckles all around. Glory acknowledged with a smile, "Oh, yes. The prince. I don't normally like companion parts of our assignments, but I could look forward to working with him. He seems fun."

"I think so, too," agreed Lizzie.

Ellie chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, I agree. He is a handsome thing, but…"

They fell silent as Mrs. Pierce and her guests came up the hall. The prince flashed a smile at them as he passed, which the girls returned. Ellie waited until they were past the landing below before resuming. "But, I only look at pretty things like that, I don't touch. Besides, it's not me that he's interested in." She raised her eyebrow as she looked at Glory.

"Oh, you think so. He's just a flirt, and I can flirt right back, but it won't go anywhere. Besides, he's the client."

"Yes," nodded Ellie. "He's the client and that's frowned upon. Are we all on the same page?"

"Yes," sighed Lizzie. "But we can pretend for now, right? Who's to say our Glory couldn't catch herself a prince?"

Ellie grinned at this. "Sure, it'll be like the romance stories I read. Our Glory will, through her bravery and wit and dedication, charm herself a white-haired prince, and he, in turn, will break through her professional demeanor and sweep her off her feet."

"Okay, enough!" Glory pleaded with a smile. "You both know that's not going to happen. And it's getting late. I missed supper and want to see if I can get something from the kitchens. Care to join me?"

Ellie and Lizzie gladly agreed and headed down the steps, talking about food and future adventures.
First short story with my steampunk character, Ellie Davies, from the Aetheric Universe that =elfgrove, :devwalkswithrhythm:, and I have been playing with. This story is a follow-up to an event that was I playing with for Dragon*Con 09, and I plan to work on getting it up soon, and the first meeting with my characters and =elfgrove's Lohengrin siblings. Find more at [link]
© 2010 - 2024 Asatira
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Akogare's avatar
Ah, that was a great read. It's lovely to imagine these characters in action in written form. I have enjoyed all the drawings and tidbits of information. Glad to see there was something more to it. c: